The Last Flight of Halifax JB837
25/26th May 1943

Other than the International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive all Internet source material is linked within the text.

Other source material is listed below.

1. John Foreman, Simon W Parry, Johannes Matthews, Luftwaffe Night Fighter Combat Claims, 1939 - 1945.(Red Kite 2004)
2. Christiaan Vanhee en Peter Celis, Vinnige Valken, Vlammende Bliksems, [Ferocious Falcons, Flaming Lightnings], (Luxembourg 2000)
3. ER Hooton, Eagle in Flames, The Fall of the Luftwaffe, (Arms and Armour Press 1997)
4. Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt, The Bomber Command War Diaries: an Operational Reference Book, 1939-1945, (Viking Penguin Books 1985)
5. Chaz Bowyer, Air War Over Europe 1939-1945, (Leo Cooper 2003)
6. Patrick Bishop, Bomber Boys Fighting Back 1940 -1945, (HarperPress 2007)
7. Max Hastings, Bomber Command, (Pan Books 1999)
8. The Bomber Command Museum of Canada, Canadian Airmen Lost in WWII By Date 1943, Online Archive
9. Martin W. Bowman & Tom Cushing, Confounding the Reich: The RAF's Secret War of Electronic Countermeasures in WWII,(Pen and Sword Avaiation 2004)
10. Theo Boiten, Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1943 Part 1,(Red Kite/Wingleader 2018)
11. Science Museum Group, Lorenz Standard Blind Approach Radar
12. Internet Archive, British Radar Manuals Library. The H2S MkII library can be found here.
13. BundesArchiv, BAMA RL19-6-39, Untersuchung von Nachrichtegërate in Abgeschossenes Feindflugzeugen (Examination of Communications Equipment in Downed Enemy Aircraft)
14. RAF Museum London, Grahame Park Way, London, NW9 5LL. Copies of Aircraft Movement Cards and Loss Cards from